MBOX-Line: From tss at iki.fi Fri Jun 14 05:22:12 2013 To: imap-protocol@u.washington.edu From: Timo Sirainen Date: Fri, 08 Jun 2018 12:34:51 -0000 Subject: [Imap-protocol] Synchronizing multiple mailbox In-Reply-To: <1371204522.10116.140661243848077.263DB050@webmail.messagingengine.com> References: <1371204522.10116.140661243848077.263DB050@webmail.messagingengine.com> Message-ID: <2C3638E0-49E6-4F8B-B998-7923F5FFEA8A@iki.fi> On 14.6.2013, at 13.08, Bron Gondwana wrote: > We cheat at FastMail - we've got a patched Cyrus server which uses a single HIGHESTMODSEQ counter per user, as well as a single MAXUIDVALIDITY. Since we always bump the UIDVALIDITY of folders on rename, create or delete (keeping a tombstone record), we only need to keep track of two numbers - one for any changes to the folder listing, and a second for any changes to any mailbox. This allows us to optimise our web interface significantly (and provide the same advantages to any future clients that talk to our JSON API directly). Won't the UIDVALIDITY change on RENAME invalidate the local cache even for the client that issued the RENAME command?