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From: Pete Maclean <>
Date: Fri, 08 Jun 2018 12:34:50 -0000
Message-ID: permalink / raw / eml / mbox
Section 3.3.2 of RFC 4551 states:

    Once the client specified the MODSEQ message data item in a FETCH
    request, the server MUST include the MODSEQ fetch response data items
    in all subsequent unsolicited FETCH responses.

I wonder how specific this is intended to be.  If I simply have my 
server include a MODSEQ on all subsequent unsolicited FETCH responses 
once CONDSTORE has been enabled (which a FETCH with a MODSEQ 
implicitly serves to do) would that be wrong?  Be wasteful?  Break 
clients left and right?

Thanks for any guidance,

Pete Maclean