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From: Greg Banks <>
Date: Fri, 08 Jun 2018 12:34:46 -0000
Message-ID: permalink / raw / eml / mbox

I'm trying to write a test for a server's implementation of the 
GETMETADATA command (RFC5464) when used with the /private/specialuse 
entry (RFC6154), and I can't quite figure out from either RFC what is 
the correct behaviour of the server when given a GETMETADATA command for 
such an entry whose current value is NIL.  I can see three possibilities:

a) error

C: t1 GETMETADATA "FolderName" /private/specialuse
S: t1 NO metadata for you sonny

b) OK, but no METADATA responses

C: t1 GETMETADATA "FolderName" /private/specialuse
S: t1 OK done

c) OK, and a METADATA response with an explicit NIL

C: t1 GETMETADATA "FolderName" /private/specialuse
S: * METADATA "FolderName" (/private/specialuse NIL)
S: t1 OK done

Can I get some clarification?
