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meli community discussions

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E-mail headers
From: Timo Sirainen <>
Date: Fri, 08 Jun 2018 12:34:39 -0000
Message-ID: 1180185209.32181.1931.camel@hurina permalink / raw / eml / mbox

Because nothing happened since the last time I talked about it, I set
one up for my own use to keep track of things. For example the previous
"Concurrent mailbox changes" question has been discussed many times over
the years, and still I couldn't just easily give a link explaining the
possibilities. The next time I can.

If someone else wants to use it, please do. I can change the URL to
something more neutral as well (such as if someone has a
better domain to use.

You can backup the whole wiki (excluding logs/user information) to
yourself as well:

rsync -qavz --delete wiki

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